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[Other resourceKeyBoard_44

Description: 4x4按键的嵌入式Linux驱动 平台:AT91RM92-4x4 keypad embedded Linux-driven platforms : AT91RM92
Platform: | Size: 12443 | Author: 路晓光 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxAT91RM9200tc

Description: AT91RM9200的定时器驱动(linux2.4内核)-AT91RM9200 timers drive (linux2.4 kernel)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 管世波 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxKeyBoard_44

Description: 4x4按键的嵌入式Linux驱动 平台:AT91RM92-4x4 keypad embedded Linux-driven platforms : AT91RM92
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 路晓光 | Hits:


Description: 很经典linux内核移植电子书籍,不可多得。-Classic e-books linux kernel transplantation, rare.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: emmett | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxminigui_AT91RM9200_port

Description: minigui在AT91RM9200上的成功移植,已经加了注释,minigui顺利跑在板子上。-minigui in AT91RM9200 successful transplantation, has been added to the Notes, minigui smooth run on the board.
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: xiaozhou_163 | Hits:


Description: Linux下的简单字符设备驱动的源码,有说明文件说明如何编译和安装卸载测试驱动-Linux simple character device driver source code, has the documentation on how to compile and install uninstall test drive
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: 小伟 | Hits:


Description: at91rm9200的serial driver bug解除,原来驱动会丢包,直接覆盖同名文件-at91rm9200 serial driver after debug
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 张德强 | Hits:


Description: Real Time Clock interface for Linux on Atmel AT91RM92-Real Time Clock interface for Linux on Atmel AT91RM9200
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: kangmonguiu | Hits:

[Linux driverLinux

Description: 搞项目时,做系统移植的心得体会,笔记,芯片是at91rm92-Engage in a project to do system migration experiences, notes, chip at91rm9200
Platform: | Size: 1913856 | Author: ph | Hits:

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